A Best-Selling
Book by
Dr. Cristina Saldaña
Bilingual Therapy Workbooks in the Collection

These workbooks are such great resources for working with my bilingual and monolingual Spanish-speaking patients with acquired brain injury! Our field is in dire need of resources like these to be able to use with our patients for go-to therapy activities. Also, the customer service for Bilingual Resources for Therapists and Teachers is very responsive and great to interact with.
Julisa C.,
Medical Speech-Language Pathologist
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Bilingual Resources for Therapists & Teachers offers workbooks, adapted books, screening tools, parent questionnaires, and teacher checklists for assessment. The workbooks may be used by special education teachers, dual language teachers, speech-language pathologists, ESOL teachers, and more. It all depends on the students' cognitive level and learning needs. Children with autism may benefit from the adapted workbooks with picture symbols.

Government & Money
Adapted Workbook

Maps & Landforms
Adapted Workbook

Economy & the Community
Adapted Workbook

Ocean Animals & Marine
Life Adapted Workbook

School Actions & Functions
Adapted Workbook

Historical Figures & Events
Adapted Workbook

Understanding "What" Questions with Pic Choices

Adapted Bible
Vocabulary & Stories

Foods & the Senses
Adapted Workbook

Foods & the Senses
Adapted Workbook

Foods & the Senses
Adapted Workbook

Foods & the Senses
Adapted Workbook

Planets, Sun & Solar System
Adapted Workbook

Farm Theme
Adapted Workbook

Transportation & Adjectives
Adapted Workbook

Family Actions & Pets
Adapted Workbook

Candy &Junk Food
FREE Adapted Workbook

Seasons & Weather
Adapted Workbook

Traditions & Holidays
Adapted Workbook

Understanding Negative
Questions & Statements

Interactive Book About
Classroom Behaviors

Adapted Workbook

Core Word Book
About Big & Little

Core Word Book
About Up & Down

Core Word Book
About Eat & Drink
Assessment Measures & Screeners

The Assessment of Word Retrieval Skills includes several items that can enhance your screenings and evaluations. It has checklists for parents, teachers, and individuals with suspected word finding/retrieval difficulties that yield a percentage score. This score is meant to be compared over time to monitor progress as part of the dynamic assessment process and help determine a true disorder. This assessment also includes Name the Action/Verbs Screening (Elementary Level), Name the Action/Verbs Screening (Age 13+ to adult), Name the Categories Screening, and Name Things Within Categories Screening.
The purpose of this assessment is to help establish the existence of a word finding/retrieval weakness in all the individual’s settings. This includes the classroom and home environments. Sample scoring sheets and reports are included to help you write your findings.
Communication Skills
Checklists for
Teachers & Parents

The annual IEP and the eligibility report for re-evaluations require information regarding communication skills. An informal teacher checklist in English, a parent checklist in English, and a parent checklist in Spanish are provided as another means to assess such skills in middle and high school students (5th grade and up). A sample summary is also provided to help guide evaluators, speech therapists, and special education teachers on how to report the findings for upper elementary, middle, and high school students. All of the items listed in the checklists should be mastered by middle school.
Communication Skills
Checklists for
Teachers & Parents

The annual IEP and the eligibility report for re-evaluations require information regarding social skills. An informal teacher checklist in English, a parent checklist in English, and a parent checklist in Spanish are provided as another means to assess such skills in middle and high school students (5th grade and up). A sample summary is also provided to help guide evaluators, speech therapists, and special education teachers on how to report the findings for upper elementary, middle, and high school students. All of the items listed in the checklists should be mastered by middle school.
Social Skills Checklists
for Teachers & Parents

The annual IEP and the eligibility report for re-evaluations require information regarding adaptive skills. An informal teacher checklist in English, a parent checklist in English, and a parent checklist in Spanish are provided as another means to assess such skills in middle and high school students (5th grade and up). A sample summary is also provided to help guide evaluators, speech therapists, and special education teachers on how to report the findings for upper elementary, middle, and high school students. All of the items listed in the checklists should be mastered by middle school.
Adaptive Skills Checklists
for Teachers and Parents

The annual IEP and the eligibility report for re-evaluations require information regarding motor skills. An informal teacher checklist in English, a parent checklist in English, and a parent checklist in Spanish are provided as another means to assess such skills in middle and high school students (5th grade and up). A sample summary is also provided to help guide evaluators, speech therapists, and special education teachers on how to report the findings for upper elementary, middle, and high school students. All of the items listed in the checklists should be mastered by middle school.
Motor Skills Checklists
for Teachers & Parents

Teachers need simple ways to document classroom behaviors and modifications over time. It is especially difficult to observe, assess, and monitor the skills of bilingual students regardless of their cultural and linguistic background.
The checklists included in this resource can be used to document the skills of students in preschool through 3rd grade who speak English and/or any other language.
MTSS/RTI Data Collection Forms
for Language Skills of Bilinguals

Ages 6+ (1st grade and up)
This packet is most beneficial for progress monitoring, behavior assessment, MTSS/RTI purposes, and to detail teacher concerns.
It is normal for students to get restless and move around during the day. Sometimes, however, students’ behaviors interfere with learning. If these behaviors are noted on a daily basis, it is imperative to record the behaviors and describe them. Use the checklists to obtain a percentage score, and then use the template to understand how to document the results.
Attention-Behavior Skills
Checklists for Teachers,
Parents and Students

Ages 5+
Response to Intervention (RTI) is a regular education initiative that requires teachers to monitor student progress. The MTSS/RTI process becomes even more challenging when it involves bilingual students. The Student Support Team must guide teachers on how to appropriately document their students' progress. Use this packet of checklists and charts to track such progress for language and behavior concerns.
Students should not require significantly more classroom modifications than their peers. Use the results to determine the percentage of modifications utilized daily, as well as the frequency of negative learning behaviors.
MTSS/RTI Questionnaires & Checklists of Classroom Modifications for Bilingual Students

The Descriptive Fluency Assessment can be administered in English, Spanish, or bilingually to children and adults. It includes a client interview form, conversation prompts, record forms, sample results summary, and more.
Descriptive Fluency Assessment
in English and/or Spanish

The Brief Language & Articulation Screening tool was created by Dr. Cristina Saldana and translated by Linh Dang. It can be used for any age, however, it is ideal for children in preschool and early elementary grades.
This resource includes various forms and checklists for teachers and parents.
Brief Language & Articulation
Screening for Bilingual
Vietnamese Children

The Descriptive Screening of Language & Articulation for Children of Indian Culture (primarily Hindi, Urdu, and Telegu speaking) was created as a tool to describe language and behavior skills in elementary aged students. It can also be used as a screening for newly arrived students of older age. It is used to monitor progress over time and determine if further evaluation is warranted.
These checklists are intended to be used over time for comparison purposes and to monitor progress. They serve well through the MTSS process.
Descriptive Screening of
Language & Articulation
for Children of Indian Culture

Ages 3.5 - 11 years
This assessment packet can be used by speech therapists, special education teachers, ESOL teachers, dual language teachers, and MTSS/RTI teams that work with students who are exposed to Brazilian Portuguese. These checklists are intended to be used over time for comparison purposes and to monitor progress.
Bilingual English-Brazilian
Portuguese Language,
Articulation & Fluency Screener

For adolescents & adults
The Assessment of Social-Pragmatic Skills is a compilation of tools that can be used to test students in upper elementary, middle school and high school, as well as adults. It provides percentages and allows for a descriptive analysis of skills. Use it as an addition to your dynamic assessment.
This resource includes the Photographic Test of Social-Pragmatic Language Skills, Self-Assessment Checklist of Social-Pragmatic Skills, Self-Assessment of Pragmatic Behavior Skills, Social-Pragmatic Language Skills Checklist for Teachers and Clinicians, Interview Form of Social-Pragmatic-Sensory Skills, and the Example of Summary of Results.
Bilingual English-Spanish
Assessment of Social-Pragmatic
Language Skills

Grades 3-8 (depending on reading ability)
This product can be used for testing or screening purposes, especially to collect data over time for MTSS/RTI or therapy. Five stories with corresponding pictures are provided in English and Spanish. Plus, there is a tally sheet for each story in addition to the protocol to obtain a total percentage score.
This brief screening/assessment allows you to examine the student's ability to state the setting, characters, character traits, the problem, and the solution to the problem. The student is expected to make inferences, devise an appropriate ending for each story, and retell the story in sequence.
** Also included is the Bilingual Screening of Reading Fluency.
Bilingual English-Spanish
Assessment of Narrative Skills